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Now begins our sacred three days of Triduum (meaning "three") as we commemorate and remember the passion and death of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We designed a busy person retreat (30 min/day) to help us enter these three days in special prayer.
This is the basic outline of each day:

10-20 Minute Guided Video
The heart of each day's retreat is a quiet, reflective meditation on the significance of the day. Find some space, set the phone down, quiet yourself...
and hit "play." Link to video will be live starting at dawn each day.

StopWatch Prayers
Two short oblations that we pray; one at noon and the other at bed time to keep us turned and focused throughout the day.

Holy Thursday

A 20 minute classic guided meditation. Find a quiet place, hit play, then close your eyes and a guide will lead you to the Garden of Gethsemane..... where we will pray with Jesus.

Scan to play on phone/tablet


Dear Jesus,

in these last few days leading up to Easter, as I recall your passion and death, let me remember that, above all, I am called to feed your sheep. You have given me a model of how to live and serve; may I strive to be all that you created me for. As you will soon go out into the Garden... may I go with you and hold you in love and support as you always have for me. Thank you for the blessings of this morning.



O Lord our God, tonight I pause to remember my Savior Jesus and his sacrifice of love for me. I pause to remember his last meal with his closest friends and disciples. I pause to remember the betrayal he would suffer. I pause to remember the pain that would be His to bear. I ponder once again the Story of mystery, the Story of the Resurrection. Send your Spirit to be with me this night as you did your Son in the Garden. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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Good Friday

A 15 minute reflective mediation on the events of Good Friday with a Litany of Trust prayer threaded throughout. Words and responses are on the screen for your participation.


Father most holy,

Today I remember the condemnation and suffering of your Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus. I praise and glorify you for the extent of his perfect love, stretched out on the cruel wood of the cross.  I contemplate his pain and suffering which he bore for me. I give thanks for the forgiveness of my sins which he offered by the shedding of his blood. Help me to live in the wonder of this Good Friday and marvel at his endless grace. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.


Holy Spirit, as I lay down to sleep, I am distressed by the thought that the evil one believes he has triumphed this day because of the

death of Jesus, the Christ. Come and give me rest. Remind me that

this is a “good” Friday because of what is accomplished this day for humankind. May your peace bring me from distress to joy so that I may awaken with gratitude and thanksgiving for another day to serve God and my sisters and brothers.


Holy Saturday

Our video prayer today is the 5 Wounds Devotion; reflecting on the 5 wounds Jesus experienced on the Cross


Dearest Mother Mary,

On that first Holy Saturday, you kept vigil for your Son. You allowed the divine gift of hope to grow within you, and you allowed that hope to be your strength in the midst of the horror of the Cross. Pray for me that I may ponder your beautiful heart this day so that I, too, may be filled with hope as I endure the challenges of this earthly life. Give me a heart of joyful anticipation as I await the grace of new life our Lord so deeply desires to bestow upon me.

Mother Mary, pray for me. Amen.


Into thy hands, Mary,

I commend my body and soul. Enlighten my mind, strengthen my will, and quiet my desires. Our Lady, call down from Heaven the legions of angels under your command to protect me this night. Help me to remember the things I should and set aside the things I shouldn’t.


I ask thee to drive away all the demons that might affect me while I sleep. Help me to drift into the land of angels and to arise refreshed and renewed in spirit. With a grateful heart, I pray. Amen.

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The God Minute

13245 Tesson Ferry Road, Saint Louis, MO 63128   (314) 897-9111

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