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A simple reminder that will help you think about God more during your day. One or two random times each day a notification will pop up on your phone calling you to a moment of prayer.

Stop.  Breathe.  Thank.

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You don't know when God will ask for a moment of your time. And that's the point. You could set an alarm, sure, but then you will be anticipating and fitting God into YOUR schedule.


This way, God breaks into yours.


"Give time to God, and God will give time to you."

James 4: 13

Between 9am and 7pm every day a chime will ding, randomly, reminding you that you are not alone. To think about God. Or thank God for what is before you.

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When you get notified, you pause what you are doing for just a moment. Draw a deep breath and give your attention to the God who blessed you with this day.


Surely there is something you might want to say to Him? Something before you for which you are grateful?

An email we received

" I love this! When I least expect it I am reminded of God's presence and love before me.


Thank you! "

GOD MOMENT is a feature of our prayer app called, "The God Minute." 

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A Catholic ministry of Evangelization and Renewal sponsored by the Congregation of the Mission, Vincentian priests & brothers

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